Monday, 1 September 2014

Google Penguin 3.0 Vibrations Getting Chilly...

I know, the boy who cried wolf, but my job here is to bring to you what the SEO community is buzzing about and they are buzzing about a possible Google Penguin update, or at least Google testing things that may imply Google is pushing out a Penguin update.

Didn't I expect Penguin to be launched a week or two ago? Yes and I was wrong but I honestly believe Google was testing something related to Penguin and then decided to pull it back.

And now? I think Google is testing Penguin related algorithm changes and may or may not launch it any day.
I am seeing a lot of chatter, not just in Google Webmaster Help and WebmasterWorld but throughout Twitter and other forums.

Plus we have the automated tools starting to light up again.

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